Career in the Physics
(too old to reply)
is sad
2020-09-13 09:08:13 UTC
Which physical ideas must I ignore to do a career in the Physics?
is sad
2020-09-13 11:27:08 UTC
Post by is sad
Which physical ideas must I ignore to do a career in the Physics?
After thinking of situation . . .
The best idea is to abandon own idea and to use professor's idea
is sad
2020-09-13 15:55:15 UTC
maybe, the best idea to do a career is to find the ''hidden variables . . .
hidden order . . . hidden harmonies . . .'' . . . and if you cannot find them,
. . . then much better and easier to follow professor's idea . . .
is sad
2020-09-13 19:03:24 UTC
. . . and to do a career I need ignore crazy ideas
is sad
2020-09-14 05:21:53 UTC
To do a career in physics I need to ignore crazy ideas like:
1 - zero vacuum is the source of everything
2 - big bang is scientific fiction
3 - quarks (QCD) is an abstract idea
4 - string theory is mathematical play
5 - CERN / LHC is an useless project
6 - Gravity is local effect of mass and energy
7 - electron and light are one and the same particle
8 - Einstein/Lorentz SRT is about behaviour of light/electron
9 - . . .
